Well, it’s been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegone, out on the edge of the prairie…

I’ve always wanted to start a post with that quote from one of my very favorite authors and story tellers, Garrison Keillor, but of course it hasn’t really, but I think maybe it should have been.

Of course, I’m speaking of what President Trump said to President Zelenskyy.

Without rehashing the event I’ve seen and heard plenty from all of the involved parties, but you know who I haven’t heard from? I haven’t heard from most of the people I admire and respect. A lot of the business leaders who’s styles I endeavor to replicate. There’s a lot of important people who just aren’t saying much at all, and you know what? I think there may be a lot of wisdom in their silence.

I’ll close with another Garrison Keillor quote which is how he used to close ever edition of “The Writer’s Almanac”, he said “Be well, do good work, and… keep in touch.


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